Rubber Roofing – What Is It? Pricing and Popular Alternatives

rubber roof

Think of buying a case for your cell phone, your expectations will be choosing a product that can survive the impact of moisture, dust, and all the rigors of daily lives. You would definitely want it to look good, but the most important function will be protecting the valuable phone inside. 

Now for this kind of a purpose, would you choose a metal case? It won’t be impact resistant as it might get scratches, rust, and above all, it’s not naturally waterproof. Most of the invincible life case electronics are made up of rubber, and there are plenty of reasons behind it.

rubber roofing

If you care so much about your device, what about the house you live in? Can there be anything more valuable to you? Of course not! In this case, rubber roofing will be the one caring for your mansion, similar to the way you do. After all, roofs are the most important component of your home. 

What is Rubber Roofing?

Rubber roofing is mostly made up of plastic polymers or rubber. These materials are product of recycled slate dust, recycled tires and sawdust, thus making them environment-friendly. Rubber roofs are used to have a more impenetrable sealing and to reduce leaking.

The 21st-century roofing material has proved to be playing the role for which it was introduced. Both in terms of protection and cost-effectiveness, rubber roofing has become the choice for many. To be more précised, it can be considered to be one of the best materials for roofing available in the market today. The facts which can prove the same are the lowest cost of ownership, easy and fast to install, and best impact resistance.  

With the application of rubber to your roofing solution, you not only protect your house but also contribute to the environment. Such roofing is manufactured with a combination of rubber and plastic polymers. The merger of such materials makes sure to provide an untraversable coating, which is very important in keeping your house leak proof.  

Different types of rubber roofing

There are several varieties of rubber roofing which you can choose from to meet your requirements.


The best one to choose for flat roofs is the ethylene propylene diene terpolymer or, in short, EPDM. It is considered to have the longest life span when compared to other materials used in rubber roofing. It is made out of original rubber and is costs lower than that of other variants.


TPO stands for Thermoplastic polyolefin is similar to EPDM, but the reason which makes it unique is its flexibility. This quality makes it a better warrior when we talk about holding out against impacts and other potential damages. Being 100% recyclable and keeping out chlorine from its component helps you save energy during summers. 


Polyvinyl chloride is the next version of TPO in terms of flexibility, as thermoplastic materials are used in its production. It contains plasticizers and few chemical components, which makes it resistant to settling of the building. PVC has been in use for quite a long time; thus, it is easy to find specialized roofing contractors for the task. 

How much does rubber roofing costs?

Cost is what comes up in our minds the moment we plan to make a purchase. In the case of rubber roofing, it can be said that there are few factors associated with the determination of the expense you are going to have. Listed below are some of the factors to keep in mind:

  • The thicker the roofing material you choose, the heavier it would become on your wallet. 
  • Premium quality insulation or repairs 
  • Slope and size of roof you want to install it on
  • Delivery costs will be lower as its lightweight, thus making transportation easy 
  • Installation is far easier and swift, which expedites a lower cost on human resources.
  • Compared to asphalt roofing, it’s probably higher but much lower than that of metal, slate, or other types.
  • Choosing the right roof installer will help you save more.

Splitting it into different membranes of rubber, the average cost per square foot to be expected is as follows:

EPDM: $.70 to $ 4.30

TPO: $1 to $5.55

PVC: $.70 to 5.55

Pros and Cons of Rubber Roofing

Below are some of the notable features of rubber roofing that makes it a more suitable roof for your home.

Eco-friendly choice: In contrast to other materials, rubber stands as the greenest roofing solution. It’s a choice which most eco-conscious homeowners wisely make. The energy consumption during production is considerably low, and once the life span ends, it could be recycled entirely. 

Resistance: Being naturally impenetrable to unlikely weather conditions and leakage saves extra protection from such scenarios. The best part is rubber acts as an insulator to a great extent. Even if there is a lighting blaze, you have the confidence to be safe.

In situations such as a fire at your home or business place, this kind of roofing will help control the situation and cooling it down faster. In some cases, homeowners are likely to get discounts too while applying for homeowners’ insurance. 

Negligible maintenance: Almost every material used to compose your roof requires maintenance, but rubber roofing wins over others giving relief in this genre. You can just have a look around every year if there are any leakage or pest issues. The highest preservation you could do will be repainting the roof to make it last longer and clean it up regularly.

Longevity:  Large pieces are being laid in roofing with rubber and most often involve sealing with heat. Because of this, there are least such junctions where water can dribble down to cause damage to your valuable asset. It has been found that once such roofing is done under professional observation and expertise, it can last until 50 years, which is indeed a great number. 

Easy Installation: As rubber roofs are placed in single sheets or more often furled in strips, the process becomes very easy and time-saving. This ultimately helps reduce the labor cost, thus saving you a good amount on the upfront costs involved. 

So we have gone through rubber roofing benefits, but there’s another side of the coin too! Let’s take a look at what the con side says. 

Color: Visage matters! After all, it’s your home, and you would love to see it beautiful. But there’s a little disappointment with rubber roofing as its color fades away with time. Few people also consider its appearance as a stumbling block.

Like other roofing solutions, rubber roofing has its own drawbacks, and some of them are as follows:

Skilled labor is difficult to find: The task of rubber roofing is not something you could do on your own or hire any inexperienced contractor to initiate the same. For any reason, if wrong labor is employed, having a lack of proficiency will give rise to future issues.

Conditions while installation: As the installation process involves the use of adhesive to stick the flooring, dry conditions are the foremost requirement. Rainy weather or moisture might become a barrier in the process. 

Exquisite in nature: If your house is surrounded by trees where there are chances of branches falling over your roof, it’s highly recommended to protect your roofing from it. The possibility of leakage with sharp objects falling over is high; even wrong footsteps depending upon your footwear might lead to the same.

 How to install rubber roofing?

rubber roofing close up

Initial stage: It begins with the cleaning of the roof surface with a thorough check-in discarding dust, moisture, and other elements that might be spread over the roofing. It’s also made sure if the surface is dry enough as hidden moisture can become unfavorable later on. 

Relaxation: Once satisfied with the cleanliness and dry conditions, the rubber is evenly positioned over the roof to relax at least twenty to thirty minutes so that it gets flattened well. The rubber membrane is then folded back halfway to apply adhesive and in a smoother way. 

Adhesive: Water-based adhesive is thinly applied to the deck’s exposed part with the help of a roller. Once applied, the membrane is laid back onto the still wet adhesive to stick with it. The most important part is sweeping the deck to remove any air bubbles that might occur while sticking the membrane. 

Trimming: The excess rubber is then cut off to give it a clean finishing look. Talking about a sloppy roof, silicone sealant is used to the perimeter to give it a précised sealing. The edges, joints, and gutter are trimmed properly to ensure the water reflects rather than damage roofing.

This process doesn’t demand much time. As mentioned earlier, once completed, all you need to do will be standing back and admire the new looks of your lovely home with the confidence of a secured roof.

In the case of TPO roofing, the initial stage of cleaning remains the same. Insulation is used as a buffer so that nothing from underneath can get through the roofing. At every seam, screws are used to fix the plates to other rows, and heat wielding is used to hold them together. The only point of concern is the water outlets, and a thorough job is done to make sure there’s no leakage. 

PVC roofing: The process of TPO and PVC is almost the same, which starts with laying down the insulation and then the membrane. Heavy-duty corrosion resistance screws are used to attach to the roof deck mechanically. The next step involves hot air welding to fuse all the seams and leakage proof for your new roof. At the finish stage, all seams are probed for confirmation that all the welding has been done properly, and sometimes a weld cut test is performed by a professional for complete satisfactory results.

Though rubber roofing is in high demand for some homeowners, it isn’t the only option compared to environmental disadvantages or the costs incurred. There are other alternatives that you can choose as some situations might not favor this kind of roofing.

Here are a few of them:

Popular alternatives to Rubber Roofing

BURs or built-up roofs

Built with a combination of fiberglass and asphalt layers, this roofing is a good alternative for providing a sturdy roofing system. It’s highly material and labor-intensive, which makes it a long-term process while building. Materials used to produce waterproof membranes should be of high quality else; the possibility of leakage will be excessive. 

Asphalt sheets

A material than been in years from quite a decade. Organic material or fiberglass, combined with the sheets, is laid over the roof and set down by nails and cement. A powdery mineral surface is generally used to cover the sheets, and life span expectancy is about ten years.

Foam Roofs 

A mixture of components of foam is sprayed over the rooftop with the help of a spray gun. There are several layers of such sprays done to make this roofing durable enough and is considered to be a trustworthy material. It stands great in terms of insulation due to the inherence of leakage.

 Sheet Metal Roofs

As the name says, metal is a word that gives us a thought that it will be strong. It does stand as the most reliable choice in terms of support. You definitely cannot rip off a metal sheet, and in terms of roofing, it proves to be an extremely durable choice. The durability is almost as long as fifty years, depending upon the environment. It’s fully recyclable and thus makes it an eco-friendly option. 

Roll-on roofs

Like the shingles’ material, this roofing is as easy as laying a bedsheet over a mattress. It’s a hassle-free and quick process that involves laying down rolls and finally nailing it along the borderlines. In terms of durability, it won’t continue more than seven to ten years.  

Final Words

Hope this post helps!! Now when you know almost everything about rubber roofing, what are you waiting for? Reach out the best rubber roofing service provider in your area and enjoy a justified investment!

Meet Kat, a passionate young woman fascinated by home improvement and rental management. With a creative flair and dedication, she curates delightful living experiences for tenants, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary homes. Kat's goal is to make a significant impact on the rental property market through her expertise and innovative approach. Twitter | LinkedIn

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